
Our Story
Community Youth Development Trust (CYDT) was conceptualized in 2012 and registered in 2015. The organisation focuses on the needs of young people in Matebeleland South Province for now. These include service delivery related issues, advocacy and lobbying on youth concerns, building the capacity of the youth to be leaders as well as for them to understand their constitutional rights and stand up for them. CYDT implements programs directly in all the 7 districts of Mat South but collaborates with other youth led organizations often. The organisation networks at both local and national levels with various Government and non-Government actors in pursuit of the well-being of young people. After realizing the adverse of corruption to the young generation, CYDT introduced a project that seek to fight against corruption particularly in the mining sector where most youths are found since the province is endowed with mineral resources such as gold. The Organisation is Governed by a Board, working with a Secretariat led by an Director as well as community-based structures, to position it to serve its target age group of youths between the ages of 18-35 years.

Our Mission
To empower youth in Matebeleland South, with the knowledge and skills
for making difference in the national, political and social discourse
Our Vision
Youths are inspired, empowered and realise their full potential.
Our Values
Accountability| Equality | Empowerment |Responsive Team Work | Respect for Diversity

Zanele Nyathi
Zanele is in HR specialist having studied with Lupane State University. She is also an affiliate with IMPZ. As the Board Chairperson my intention is to contribute to the growth of the organization ensure its sustainability beyond through providing active mentorship to the secretariat. To provide combined strength, visionary focus and the vibrancy of the board and management which is anchored on the dynamic pillars of experience, skill and diversity.

Similo Ndlovu
I am a classroom practitioner who holds a Diploma in Education. I have excellent public relations skills .In a world where the media and technology have become the primary curriculum, creativity and innovativeness are my super skills .l know how to accept individual differences and can work well with anyone. A community activist who is also passionate about women rights

Leader Zaba
Vice Chairperson
Leader is very passionate when it comes to community level advocacy, especially youth specific advocacy. He has managed to push for sound youth representation in Bulilima District where he is based. Leader holds a BSc degree in Political Science with UZ and currently working towards attaining a law degree. His career objectives are to be vibrant, innovative and reputable young man in the conduct of daily duties and responsibilities as a professional Political Scientis.

Alphonline Nkomo
Comittee member
Alphonline graduated with a Bachelor of Laws Degree from the University of Venda in 2015. In 2016, she joined Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association as a legal Officer. She completed her conversions Examinations with the Council for Legal Education and was admitted as a legal Practitioner with the High Court of Zimbabwe on the 5th of July 2018. In February 2019, she joined Ncube-Tshabalala Attorneys as a Legal practitioner and on the 25th of July 2019, she was admitted as a conveyancer and Notary Public. She gained experience in litigation drafting legal documents, Conveyancing and Notarial Practice work. She is interested in different facets of law such as Commercial law, Labour law, Civil litigation and Human Rights. She is currently a Legal Officer at the National University of Science and Technology.

Lloyd Mabhena
Board Treasurer
Lloyd is self-motivated and passionate about Accounting Science and Corporate Finance specialised in the Not for profit sector. He’s looking to enhance his Accounting career and further his 6 years of experience in a solid finance and accounting role. Mbonisi has love of creating and maintaining order and is driven to work hard to achieve excellence in every area of responsibility. He is the current board treasurer of CYDT and works towards ensuring financial prudency of the organization.

Sichasisile Ndlovu
Sichasisile is the Director at CYDT and a holder of various qualifications with different reputable institutions. Previously she worked as an accountant and later as a programs officer for a 3 organizations. Currently she is studying for her Master’s Degree in Project Planning and Management with her thesis focusing on the art of effective youth participation in local governance and decision making. Sichasisile has written many articles on youth participation. Empowerment and inclusion. She has led successful advocacy on youth related issues.

Faides Mwale
Finance officer
Faides Mwale is the substantive Finance officer who is a strong believer that every voice should be heard. She is driven by the axiom that try and fail but never fail to try. Faides holds a degree in Accounting and Economics from Monash University and currently studying her Part 3 ACCA. She is a mother of two who is passionate about family, empowering and helping others.

Bongiwe Dube
Information Officer
Bongiwe is a young lady who is passionate about youth,women empowerment and development. She is a holder of a language and communication under grad degree and aspires to further her career to masters and phd level. She is an innovative lady,passionate about growth and values team work. She also holds a diploma in Tourism and Marketing. She joined CYDT as an information officer in January 2020.

Methembe Mhlophe
Assistant Finance Officer
A very passionate young man who can work under pressure with minimum supervision and is able to acclimatize well in whatever environment. He holds Honors Degree in African Languages and Literature with UZ and HND in Accountancy with Harare Polytechnic. Currently he is studying for his Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation so as to diversify his professional market. Methembe is driven by career objectives that speaks to issues around vibrancy, focused and purpose driven. Methembe Joined CYDT in 2017 as the Assistant to the Finance Officer.
What We Do
Anti Corruption Campaign
This project aims to empower youth to fight corruption in the artisanal and small scale mining sector and also to raise awareness to miners and communities to spearhead the fight against corruption. It shall also lobby the Ministry of Mines and ZACC to conduct research on artisanal and small scale mining by engaging the miners so that they understand the challenges the sector face and recommend practical and evidence based interventions. Such efforts shall be critical in addressing some of the policy related gaps affecting artisanal and small scale miners. The project has empowered youths who are trained whistle –blowers and are also make up the Zero Bribe Club. These cohorts of youths are the watchdogs of corruption in the project areas, and they conduct investigations on corrupt activities in their mining areas. The corruption issues that they unearth and document are produced in the newsletter called The Whistle Blower which is widely shared in the mining communities to raise more awareness on corruption. The newsletter that is produced is also shared with ZACC so that they get enlightened and get to understand the gravity of corruption in the mining sector and therefore take action on such issues. The project creates platforms for engagement between the artisanal and small scale miners and Ministry of Mines, Fidelity Printers and EMA to inform the policy measures that take into considerations of the challenges and concerns of artisanal and small scale mining sector. The project has also produced documentaries for showcasing to stakeholders as part of awareness raising and evidence based advocacy on issues affecting artisanal miners and also create debate and discussions on possible solutions on these issues.
Building a strong Youth Movement
The project seeks to cultivate a culture of massive youth engagement in all local processes beyond the project life span. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to coin the project in a way that promote social cohesion and unity of purpose between youths and community leaders, which is key to success of other local process such as local development and ensuring responsive service delivery. More so the project seeks assist CYDT to establish sound working relations through collaboration with other organizations such as Youth Edutainment Services Trust (Mangwe), Youth for Today and Tomorrow (Matobo), Emthonjeni Women’s Forum (Mzingwane and Insiza), Habakkuk, Zimbabwe Christian Alliance, Women Development Association in Zimbabwe, Young Women’s Alliance. At national level, CYDT is riding on the existing partnerships with NAYO, in publicizing and building momentum on youth key asks and appeal for a national endorsement. The desired impact is that young people from Matabeleland South influence the expected National Dialogue through their own demands based on their experiences, needs and aspirations. . Influencing the National Dialogue will not only enhance youth participation but also promote effective youth representation at Provincial and National levels based on the historical experiences that, youths are excluded when it comes to political and development issues hence their interests and needs are not considered.
Enhancing Youth Voice in Governance
This project seeks to further aid young women and men in Matabeleland South to be the alternative voice and vessels of good governance in their local communities, by challenging the government of the day to respect human rights. This needs to be attained despite the lack of political will in the chosen districts. All this was actively picked during the roll out of the two previous endowment supported projects dating back from 2017 to date. Significant impact has been realized and cannot go unnoticed. From a docile cohort of young generation to a vibrant group of advocates who are keen in taking an active role in shaping their future. As such the project goes a long way in lobbying for good governance and clamour for the democratic rights as detected by the country’s constitution. Through the project CYDT empowers young people to position themselves to be influential vessels in all processes be it national or at local level. The project also promotes unity of purpose amongst youths beyond partisan politics, seeing that they establish strong movements against ill governance that has national links, by so doing ensuring that space for civic participation remain in existence. Moreover, the project adds value to the national level advocacy, where young people convene, coin their demands in regards to national dialogue process.
Our Advocacy Work
CYDT identified two Advocacy Issues that are of strategic concern to the organization and the wider community of Matabeleland South. The advocacy issues were identified through an elaborate process of examining problems that affect youth in Matabeleland South, followed by a close examination of the possible solutions to the identified problems and a prudent selection of those solutions that best further the values, credibility, impact, mission and vision of the organisation. CYDT advocates for guaranteed access to documentation i.e. I.D and birth certificates, for marginalised youths in Matabeleland South. CYDT also advocates for the inclusion of youths in governance and decision-making processes in Matabeleland South.
The advocacy issues were analyzed and prioritized using an Issue Choice Matrix which is a tool used to assess whether the organisation is better placed to tackle the identified problem based on five factors namely: motivation to address the issue; whether the issue falls within the organisations overall mission and vision; potential for collaborations which will result in the issue being addressed; availability of resources, i.e. financial, human, time etc., to adequately address the advocacy issue and; whether there is sufficient expertise within the organisation or amongst its partners to address the advocacy issue.
Strengthening Youth Participaton in Local Governance for grassroot development
This project attempts to promote youth engagement in local affairs so that they are able to influence service delivery that is responsive to their needs. The project goes deep into raising awareness of rights holders on the roles and responsibilities of local authorities in ensuring comprehensive services. As such young people shall be empowered and capacitated (through confidence building activities) to the extent that they are able to shift focus from expecting improvement in service delivery without them taking active role in the process. It also seek to help youths realize the power within in changing the narrative of service provision in their areas. The project goes a long way in imparting and inculcating a culture of engagement instead of confrontational tendencies. The project empowers youths to be able to hold duty bearers to account at all levels. The project work in favor of right holders and the entire community seeing that institutions of local government performs most effectively and efficiently when citizens participate meaningfully, and when they know that they are monitored and kept accountable. As such, the project provides an opportunity for youths to further communicate their expectations on service delivery to the elected leaders. This ensures that young people participate effectively in local governance processes which include budgetary, planning and development processes.
CYDT has impacted a tremendous number of Youths
Workshops done
- Youth Workshops 82%
Youth Engagement
- Campaigns 74%
Impact on Communities
- Community Engagement 84%
CYDT has in the past 6 years played a central role in providing safe space for youth empowerment and development in Matabeleland South. The organization has promoted public debate and consultations on issues limiting youth participation and engagement especially around governance and democracy. As such CYDT has established itself as a flagship institution in as far as amplifying the voices of youth in claiming their rights to democracy and good governance is concerned.
This is a pre-occupation that CYDT is passionate about and defines its strategic orientation. In a quest to ensure continued organizational relevance, CYDT staff, friends and Board retreated to the scenic of Cresta Church Hill on the 30th of November to the 2nd of December 2018 to review the obtaining Strategic Plan which was about to lapse. CYDT is on its growth peak and it is my whole-hearted hope that the next three years will herald a new era in revamping and revitalizing organizational strength and ability.
I am pleased by the dedication and enthusiasm exhibited by CYDT staff and stakeholders in diligently applying themselves to the organizational mandate. I have no doubt in my mind that the deliverables that we have set for ourselves will be met. Therefore, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, we reaffirm our commitment in establishing valuable networks to grow even further the community impact of CYDT programming. May this Strategic Plan be religiously implemented and be a living document.
Zanele Nyathi
Zanele Nyathi
Board of Trustees Chairperson