Update leads:

  1. More returnees escape from  Quarantine  centers
  2. Closure of bars gives rise to illegal drinking spots.
  3. Government out of ideas on economic reform hence the blame game

More Returnees Escape From Quarantine Centers.

As COVID 19 confirmed cases continue to increase in Zimbabwe, the country has recorded 926 confirmed cases, 306 recoveries leaving 608 active cases and 12 deaths as at 09 July 2020. Mat-South has contributed a total of 151 cases to the overall positive cases.

Mat-South youths note with concern the rapidly rising reported Covid-19 positive cases and deaths that have risen from 6 to 12 deaths within a short space of time. This is disturbing especially at a time when the government has already opened universities while schools and colleges are expected to open at the end of July 2020. Within this context, it is imperative for the government to justly and responsibly assess the preparedness of schools before it allows students back to the classes, and at a time when our health sector is nun functional as a result of pending strikes and protests by doctors and nurses. This could be a disaster in waiting.

This is further complicated by recent reports that indicate a huge number of returnees who have been escaping from the Beitbridge quarantine center. The highest number of confirmed positive cases has largely come from these returnees who are putting the community at risk by absconding from the quarantine centers. Mat-South’s major referral hospital recorded 18 positive COVID-19 cases among its health service staff on the 08th of July 2020. Furthermore, a number of local cases which the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare has failed to trace their sources, have been recorded in the greater Matabeleland regions. This calls for a change of strategy by government to protect the most vulnerable communities such as the Mat-South countryside. Secondly, there is need for government to re-dedicate funds towards improving conditions of quarantine and isolation centers, so as to manage and reduce the number of escapees from these centers.

It is imperative that the government also puts in place stringent security measures to ensure returning citizens fulfill the mandatory screening and quarantining. Government should also ensure that these centers are fully capacitated to make the stay of returnees comfortable so that they stay for the stipulated period. These include sanitization, decent meals, adequate and clean water, blankets and health services for both men and women.

Closure of Bars Gives Rise to Illegal Drinking Spots.

The lockdown closure of bars and leisure outlets has resulted in the sprouting of illegal drinking spots in the communities. The indefinite lockdown has seen the most residents selling alcohol beverages from their homesteads as a way of survival during lockdown. However, these drinking spots do not only defile the Covid-19 preventive measures of wearing of masks, temperature checks and social distancing, but have also contributed to the increased cases of assaults and violence within the communities. This highlights the multi-faceted challenges faced by residents in Mat-South as they are forced to illegally sell alcohol as a means of livelihood.

Challenges with Accessing Medication during the Lockdown

The lockdown restrictions have exposed most citizens in the Mat-South Province to serious health complications as they are struggling to access health care services. The restrictions on intercity and cross-border travel have had a huge impact on the well-being of many citizens who rely on medication from the major cities and diaspora, especially South Africa. Clinics in Mat-South have remained operational but without capacity to attend to health needs of their respective communities. It is crucial that rural health centers be recapitalized and more resources be channeled towards them to address emergent challenges during this pandemic. Citizens in the rural communities have been perennially having challenges in access to health care services as a result of lack of funding and prioritization form the central government to improve social services in the rural communities.

With schools reported to be opening from this month. There have been several reports in Mat-South communities, that most school going teenagers became pregnant during this lockdown period. This has hugely affected the girl child’s educational career and activities, as they would be forced to concentrate on motherhood roles and this will result in them dropping out of school. Organizations and relevant stakeholders should maximize on sexual reproduction health care programs and raise awareness on the importance of practicing safe sex to protect the girl child in the communities.

Government out of ideas on economic recovery hence the endless blame game.

Zimbabwe has slid into political, social and economic dilemma with political leaders failing to account for the cause. What has been consistent throughout Zimbabwe’s struggles has been denialism and shift blaming the former colonialist, sanctions from the west, civil society organizations and oppositional parties. Recently the Vice President Kembo Mohadi was recorded addressing citizens in Mat-South declaring that the “white man never gave us knowledge on how to run our economy” He further went on to note that “Zimbabwean politicians were knowledgeable about running bottle stores and general dealer businesses”. Forty years into independence, the blame game has always deflected focus and demand for accountability from government. For the country to survive the Covid-19 detrimental impacts, there is need to get rid of the blame game hence there is need for political leaders and public officials to dutifully take responsibility for their decisions and failed policies.

Remember to follow these tips proposed by the WHO to prevent getting infected with COVID-19;

  • clean your hands more often using alcohol based hand rub or soap and water
  • Maintain social distancing
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
  • Contact emergency COVID-19 numbers near you, if experiencing any symptoms related to the pandemic

Social Distancing Tips 

  • Shop alone, do not shop in groups
  • Stay/Stand two metres away from other customers (especially in mealie meal queues)


Dial 2019 if suspecting any COVID-19 Symptoms!

STAY SAFE!!!!!!!!!!