Update leads:

  1. COVID 19 testing still a challenge.
  2. How will new “Tight” lockdown measures in COVID 19 hotspots affect citizens?
  3. Indefinite postponement of re-opening of schools.

Covid-19 testing still a challenge for Zimbabwe

The country has recorded 1362 confirmed cases, 425 recoveries leaving 914 active cases and 23 deaths as of 16 July 2020. Mat-South has contributed a total of 160 cases to the overall positive cases.

Mat-South youths are greatly concerned about the continuing rise of Covid-19 positive cases and the failure by citizens to observe social distancing and proper use of masks. While it is a good thing that almost all citizens now wear masks, it is important that people are reminded that they must wear these masks properly and all the times regardless of the situation or occasion. In most cases citizens are seen walking around with their masks only covering their mouths, leaving the nose exposed. In a difficult period such as the week under review where Health Officials have reported a huge number of positive locally transmitted cases that do not have a definite source; it is imperative that people are encouraged to wear the mask appropriately and correctly. There is a need for awareness campaigns that address the manner in which citizens wear their face masks and also encourage continuous washing of hands.

A few months since the initiation of the national lockdown to reduce the spread and transmission of the Corona Virus, the youth are concerned about the high number of local transmissions. This is attributed to inadequate testing within communities. It is disheartening to note that while government focused its resources to testing returnees in quarantine and isolation centers, the community is now bearing the negative outcomes of the lopsided approach. This has resulted in almost half of Covid-19 related deaths recorded confirmed after post-mortem. Of the Fifteen Covid-19 related deaths reported by the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare so far in July, 13 of them were only tested for Covid-19 after death.

Mat-South citizens call on the government to strengthen its testing in local communities to enable quick detection, and isolation of contacts. This is important especially with the country recording a total of 260 local transmissions on the 16th of July 2020. This is so far the highest number of local transmissions and could increase if massive community based testing and early tracing is not done urgently.

This increase in local cases may largely be accredited to having to having one source of transport. Citizens spend time in Zupco queues where there is hardly any social distancing. The government should at this point seriously consider allowing other transport operators to operate so as to ease the burden on Zupco.

Will the new measures of lockdown in COVID 19 hotspots help citizens?

Cabinet recently announced that government was working on tightening current lockdown restrictions especially in Covid-19 hotspot areas. Citizens of Mat-South have received this news with mixed feelings with most citizens objecting to this declaration noting that unless government provides livelihoods support in the form of safety nets, the stringent restrictions will only expose people to hunger and poverty. They note that since the institution of the first phase of the lockdown in March 2020, they have not received any food relief packages or monetary safety nets that they were promised by the government. With 80% of the population of Mat-South operating in the informal sector, citizens are afraid that they will not be able to  provide for their families.

Although the lockdown with stringent movement restrictions would reduce the rate of local infections, government must set up practical and sustainable livelihood support programs to cushion citizens from hunger and other related challenges.

Indefinite postponement of  re-opening of schools welcome.

The postponement of re-opening of schools has been highly commended by the Mat-South youths who noted that it will protect school going children, and curb the spread of the virus within schools and communities. While it is a positive move in the fight against the invisible enemy, this further exposes the girl child to possibilities of pregnancy and unpaid child labour. There is need for schools to adopt alternative learning systems to make sure the learners keep up to date with their syllabus.

Mat-South youths also note with concern that students that had returned to school to write examinations and university terminal classes were not tested when they reported at school. While the checking of temperatures is one of the ways of managing and detecting Covid-19 symptoms, full tests needed to be done on these students who were coming from different areas in Zimbabwe. There is need for the government, schools and universities to test these students before they are released to go back to their homes.

Remember to follow these tips proposed by the WHO to prevent getting infected with COVID-19;

  • clean your hands more often using alcohol based hand rub or soap and water
  • Maintain social distancing
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
  • Contact emergency COVID-19 numbers near you, if experiencing any symptoms related to the pandemic

Social Distancing Tips 

  • Shop alone, do not shop in groups
  • Stay/Stand two metres away from other customers (especially in mealie meal queues)


Dial 2019 if suspecting any COVID-19 Symptoms!

STAY SAFE!!!!!!!!!!