The country has recorded 3092 confirmed cases, 924 recoveries leaving 2115 active cases and 53 deaths as of 30 July 2020. Mat-South contributes a total of 393 confirmed cases.

COVID 19 and the Plight of pregnant women

The seven stillborn babies tragedy that has shocked all corners of the country and attracted international media is damning evidence that sums up the plight of women and a reflection of the carnage taking place in our health system.  

Pregnant women are failing to access maternal services owing to the lack of transport to their nearest clinics in the rural Matabeleland South Province. As a result of the lockdown, the availability of transport is a challenge.

Pregnant women find it difficult to access the required medication as a result of our poor health system. The state of our medical centers is in a dare condition and proves to be a death trap to women. There are no emergency care units and the costs for specialists are beyond the reach of many especially women from the rural communities.

With the economy in shambles, nurses and doctors going on strike, pregnant women are left unattended to and have no assistance should one face possible complications.

While the Ministry of Health must focus on the mitigation of Covid-19, it also needs to remember women during this crisis especially those who are pregnant. They need attention more than ever.

Government and all stakeholders’ need to act with urgency in addressing the state of hospitals as expectant mothers are losing their babies at an alarming rate.

The case of local transmissions: Community based prevention strategies the key

This week’s reports from the Ministry of Health show escalating numbers of Covid19 local transmissions. Previously, more confirmed cases were a result of returnees from Covid-19 hotspots countries such as South Africa and Britain.

However, the wave has changed; more confirmed cases are now categorized as local transmission cases. This is concerning as local transmissions are a challenge in terms of contact tracing, therefore, making the bid to control the spread of the virus a mountainous task.  

It has been noted that the root cause of these local transmissions might be the returnees who enter the country illegal and are not quarantined before mingling with people as well as those who have previously escaped from quarantine centres.

Another challenge is the delay of results from the ministry of health for the returnees who in some instances are released from the quarantine centers due to the overwhelming numbers only to receive positive results when they have been in contact with the local communities.

Community centered approaches in preventing these local transmissions can be key. Since community leaders understand their communities more, strategies put forward by them may be essential in fighting the deadly pandemic. These may include preventing the elders from going to fetch water in crowded boreholes and also from attending funerals.

In most rural communities in Mat-South there have resorted to no cooking of meals during funeral and no shaking of hands, social distancing is continually being adhered to, this is a good move in the fight against covid-19 and minimizing local transmissions.

Also there is need for community leaders to tighten their strategies on how to capture and hold accountable illegal returnees so that they are apprehended before mingling with the community and possible infecting them with the virus.   

Security Agents turn away citizens from entering the CBD

The week under review saw heavy police presence around Mat-South. Police were reportedly chasing away Gwanda town residents from entering the province capital CBD. With shops allowed to open until 1500hrs residents failed to understand why they were being denied entry. Residents noted that government must not use the Corona lockdown regulations to block free movement of people. On the 30th of July there were reports of heavy deployment of soldiers around the province and police were mounting roadblocks on all roads.

The current lockdown though being seen as a move to curb the current local transmissions seems to be politicized with the enforcement of these strict roadblocks being suspected to be in light of the planned protests that have been circulating on social media platforms. For the country to win the battle with the pandemic there is need for unity and peace.

Remember to follow these tips proposed by the WHO to prevent getting infected with COVID-19;

  • clean your hands more often using alcohol based hand rub or soap and water
  • Maintain social distancing
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
  • Contact emergency COVID-19 numbers near you, if experiencing any symptoms related to the pandemic

Social Distancing Tips 

  • Shop alone, do not shop in groups
  • Stay/Stand two metres away from other customers (especially in mealie meal queues)