The Community Youth Development Trust (CYDT) in partnership with the Municipality of Gwanda (MOG) recently held a public meeting where youth from the town engaged with the council on local governance issues.

The platform saw young people engaging with the Mayor on issues relating to service delivery and how young people can best be involved and contribute to the development of the town.

Gwanda Mayor, Justone Mazhale testified the importance of civic participation and engaging partnerships admitting that youth are important stakeholders. He also shared that the council had finally adopted the youth policy which it developed with CYDT and is meant to enhance youth participation.

The youth policy addresses strategic areas which reflect the multi-sectorial nature of youth development issues which include recognition of education and skills development as lifelong processes that are relevant to the holistic and integrated development of youth.

The youth policy also captures the need the creation of an enabling environment that supports youth empowerment and participation; ensure gender equality and equity and; engaging the youth in health communication.

The policy further calls for the development of Gwanda youth entrepreneurship skills for them to be able to them to start and manage their own businesses considering the poor economic situation and high unemployment levels in the country.

‘I challenge the youth, now that the policy is there, let us now actively act on it and within it’, said the Mayor.

Municipality of Gwanda Town Clerk, Priscilla Nkala, further gave feedback on the projects which the council has been involved in and what the council seeks to achieve in terms of ensuring efficient service delivery.

She highlighted that the Municipality of Gwanda, like other local authorities has not been spared by COVID-19 which has made service delivery a challenge.

 ‘Although the Covid-19 induced lockdown has led to reduced revenue inflow that has not deterred the Municipality from carrying out its mandate of offering quality services’, said Nkala.

Ms. Nkala further gave progress reports on varying projects including the Phakama Clinic Isolation Centre funded by Blanket mine which she said is at 92% of completion and is expected to accommodate 22 patients suffering from mild to severe symptoms of Covid-19.

This engagement platform was seen as a positive step by young people as they believed it will help them understand their role in local governance.

One youth identified as Jerimiah said ‘I was happy that as a youth our views matter, but I think I am waiting to see the results from those kinds of meetings’.