Update leads:

  1. MOG reduces water tariffs
  2. Low turnout of teachers in Mat-South
  3. CYDT activities

MOG reduces water tariffs

When Gwanda Municipality hiked water and waste management fees from $89.50 for the period between January and May 2020, to $474.89 and $919, 48 for the period between June and September 2020, residents from the 10 wards of Gwanda were left in a state of shock and discontent.

The increase of fees in such an exorbitant manner had piled more weight on the already burdened ratepayers; it pushed more families into destitution as the debt would keep piling without hope of ever being able to pay the debt, in turn, affecting the council in meeting their revenue collection.

The increase was also coming at a time when the residents were reeling from the drastic effects of Covid-19 pandemic, which had grounded most economic activities due the enforced lockdown to try and curb the spread of the virus. This adversely affected the ratepayers as most them are not employed in the formal sector. Most of the residents survive on vending and the Covid-19 regulations that saw vendors being grounded meant that their vending activities had to come to a standstill thus affecting their ability to pay rates.

However the recent decision by the Municipality of Gwanda to review the tariffs and reduce to a lower fee comes as a relief to the residents. The Residents applauded the council for taking their grievances into account by reducing the billing system they had introduced. The rates were reviewed to $200.00.

There is need for the Municipality of Gwanda to take a pro-people approach. This includes inclusivity when making decisions that affect the residents like the reviewing of tariffs so as to get the buy in of the residents.

Low turnout of teachers in Mat-South

The week ending 02 October, saw the resuming of learning activities for the examination classes across the country. However, there was a low turnout of teachers around Mat South which is indicator that they are on strike. Mat-South youths noted that many teachers failed to report for duty this week owing to low incomes and thus not affording to travel to their designated work stations. Teachers are among the civil servants who are earning their salaries in RTGS, and thus the salary cannot fully sustain them as most commodities are pegged in US$ and the South African rand. Those charging in RTGS are charging exorbitant prices, hence this had resulted in high cost of living for civil servants who receive meager salaries in RTGS that are already crippled by inflation.

In Gwanda district schools like Matshiya, Wilikisa, Nkashe amongst many others, zero turnout of teachers was recorded whilst in schools like Silikwe, Domboshoko and St Christophers, an average of one to two teachers reported for duty. Youths from Mat-South fear that students are being prepared for epic failure for this year’s examinations. It is imperative that the government address the plight of teachers with urgency to serve the education sector.

CYDT Activities

The organisation this week conducted a young women’s forum in Bulilima. This meeting sought to discuss and deliberate on issues affecting young women in Bulilima. This meeting also gave the young women a chance to discuss with a representative from Women Affairs on how to lobby for gender budgeting within their local authority so as to capture issues that affect women in the budget.

The organisation also conducted trainings on policy formulation and advocacy, in some districts of Mat-South. These trainings aimed at capacitating the youths on the importance of partaking in formulation of policies and their need to have knowledge on policies as the future leaders.

A Service delivery talk show was conducted also in Gwanda North Lumene, where youths discussed about priority service delivery needs in their ward. The youths bemoaned lack of adequate access to water in their villages, and how health clinics are incapacitated because of water challenges and lack of essential medicines which was negatively affecting their constitutional right to health.

Remember to follow these tips proposed by the WHO to prevent getting infected with COVID-19;

  • clean your hands more often using alcohol based hand rub or soap and water
  • Maintain social distancing
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
  • Contact emergency COVID-19 numbers near you, if experiencing any symptoms related to the pandemic

Social Distancing Tips 

  • Shop alone, do not shop in groups
  • Stay/Stand two metres away from other customers (especially in mealie meal queues)


Dial 2019 if suspecting any COVID-19 Symptoms!

STAY SAFE!!!!!!!!!!