Update leads:

  1. Violent storms destroy properties
  2. Upsurge of Covid-19 cases in Gwanda District
  3. CYDT activities

Violent storms destroy properties

While the public is still battling the deadly COVID 19 pandemic, recurring droughts and financial challenges in a country whose economic status is extremely low, violent storms received in Gwanda North have further increased the suffrage faced by residents.

In a year which many people say has been characterised by grief, heartbreaks and challenges especially due to the outbreak of COVID 19 early this year in Zimbabwe, a violent storm destroyed houses, classrooms, shops and other properties in Nkashe and Magedleni, Gwanda North this week.

The affected residents have the task of finding ways to rebuild their properties, a process that will be extremely mountainous considering the daily economic struggles experienced in the province.

Acknowledging the difficult task faced by residents, Mat South youths are appealing for assistance in the repairing of Nkashe Primary school classrooms whose roofing was vandalised by the violent storms. It will be difficult for students to learn in classrooms without roofs when we are currently in the rain season; therefore, an immediate solution is required from all stakeholders. 

Before the violent storms vandalised classrooms, Nkashe Primary School was already in a bad state with dilapidated classrooms, furniture and cracked floors of which the Ministry of Education is yet to respond to these issues despite continued calls from relevant organisations and the public for the Ministry to deal with the challenges faced by Nkashe Primary School and other Mat South schools. The lack of response from the government is making youths and the public assume that it will take forever for the Ministry to deal with the damage caused by the recent storm.

It is imperative that the government prioritise emergency issues to do with education and the wellbeing of children as education is the key to success while children are the future and leaders of tomorrow.  

Upsurge of Covid-19 cases in Gwanda District  

Gwanda urban recorded an upsurge of Covid-19 cases with a leap from a cumulative of 47 to 58 cases over a space of less than a week. There are concerns that the numbers could be more based on the fact that three active cases are from public areas like Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Polytechnic, Umkoko Supermarket and Innscor (Chicken Inn).

As a result of these latest statistics, some shops have been fumigating their spaces, something which the shopkeepers and other public space owners must undertake everytime not when new COVID 19 cases are recorded.

Lately, many people have been deviating from COVID 19 preventative measures; the attitude of people towards the pandemic is changing with many of them believing that it does not kill.

The rising number of confirmed COVID 19 cases is worrying as the local quarantine centre in Gwanda has been under renovations for the past two months meaning that the town has no available quarantine centres at the moment. 

CYDT Activities

This week saw Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights and the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission coming together with CYDT to hold a mobile legal clinic in Zezani-Beitbridge East. The mobile was held with traditional leadership, church leaders and the community at large. Zezani is one area that is rife in child marriages because of the Madida church which does this practice. Facilitators from ZLHR and ZHRC managed to educate the community on the effects of child marriages and also quoted the constitution.

The organisation also conducted Anti-Corruption Forums in Gwanda, uMzingwane and Matobo District. These forums were conducted as a means to try and tackle the issue of corruption in the mining sector. In attendance were representatives from the ministry of Mines and also ZRP Public Relations Officer, to share on the strategies in place to try and curb corruption in the mining sector. The miners had a chance to engage and ask questions with regards to the challenges they face.

The organisation also conducted service delivery talk shows were the participants had the opportunity to present service delivery challenges in their wards.

Remember to follow these tips proposed by the WHO to prevent getting infected with COVID-19;

  • clean your hands more often using alcohol based hand rub or soap and water
  • Maintain social distancing
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
  • Contact emergency COVID-19 numbers near you, if experiencing any symptoms related to the pandemic

Social Distancing Tips 

  • Shop alone, do not shop in groups
  • Stay/Stand two metres away from other customers (especially in mealie meal queues)


Dial 2019 if suspecting any COVID-19 Symptoms!

STAY SAFE!!!!!!!!!!