Gwanda youths have challenged the Council to step-up in delivering expected service provision.

Speaking in a virtual ZOOM meeting organized by CYDT, the youths discussed the various service delivery challenges faced by Gwanda residents these include the bad state of public toilets, street lights, refuse collection and water burst pipe challenges.

Zanele Nyathi said “Ward 4 public toilets require immediate renovations. The Council did not do a proper job in renovating the public toilets last year. At least three jojo tanks are needed but there is only one jojo tank which is not even functioning. There is also a problem with the flashing system of the toilets.”

Gwanda youths said the Council needs to speed up the issue of accommodation in Ward 4 which will tackle the public toilet problem.

The youths said that refuse collection is also a big problem as there are days in which the refuse is not collected. They said the Council must contract a private company to take care of refuse collections.

Brilliant Ncube proposed that the “Municipality should outsource refuse collection to a private player but they will not do it because they are greedy.”

Gwanda youths pointed out that despite paying streetlight levy, the lights are not functioning leaving them wondering where their money is going.  

Sibusisiwe Khumalo said “on the street lights issue Cllr Moyo said the money which we are paying as residents is for maintaining the ones that we have and it’s not enough to install new ones unless if a donor intervenes.”

Another youth, Sihlobo Bulala said that “streets lights are paid so residents can have source of lighting within their locations, therefore, they must be properly maintained.”

Reason Dube questioned the activities and effectiveness of Ward 4 Councillor who is also the Mayor alleging that there is nothing tangible he has done in the whole of Gwanda.

In Ward 8, the youths alleged that there are brothels that are creating an unsafe environment for young girls.

Concerning the issue of brothels, Qiniso Moyo said “brothels have resulted in the disturbance of peace. Crime cases are increasing. It`s very disturbing. The worst part is that young girls are exposed to such social ills and their future is jeopardized.”

Brilliant Ncube proposed that there is need for a collective approach in engaging the local authority with regards to the brothel crisis.

In Ward 9, there is a challenge of a burst pipe that has affected 8 houses, and the youths said the challenge has been going on for some time.

James Dube said that the reason for recurring pipe bursts is the fact that the pipes are very old, therefore, there is need for the Council to install new pipes.

The youths challenged themselves not to sit back and relax while the Council is dragging such as in the collection of refuse but rather do cleanup campaigns regularly to keep their community safe and clean.

Sihlobo Bulala said youths must find gaps in the Council and invest in those so that while working to improve our communities we make a reasonable income.  

The youths proposed the formation of Gwanda Youth Association (GYA) that will facilitate engagement between the Council and the youths on issues of service delivery and other issues affecting Gwanda youths. 

Bulala said while the GYA will be a creative body of engaging the Council, the youths must go beyond engaging the council such as doing follow ups on plans or issues agreed upon; tracking improvements and areas that need reviewing. Bulala went on to say that “youths should be the action that we wish to see. If the Council fails to collect refuse on time, as youths we must develop creative ways to immediately challenge and hold the Council to account.”
