Although youths between the ages of 15 and 35 constitute about 60% of the country’s population, their representation and participation in politics remain limited. While the government of Zimbabwe has over the years made imperative strides to recognize youth`s rising voices, young women and men remain unsatisfied and are demanding improved youth representation in parliament.

As a result, the Community Youth Development Trust (CYDT) submitted a petition to the parliament demanding a 30% youth representation in 2020. In this petition, youths demanded more parliament seats to be availed for them as they are capable of leading as well as bringing fruitful ideas on the table.

Recently, in a Youth Parliamentary Engagement Conference organised by National Association of Youth Organizations (NAYO) and was attended by CYDT board member Leader Zaba, the Zimbabwe Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Youth, Arts, Sport and Recreation Chair Hon. Rtd Major Mathias Tongofa confirmed that the 30% youth quota petition submitted by CYDT inspired the development of a National Youth Bill which will reserves 25% youth representation in government departments and boards.

Honorable Tongofa’s revelations have pleased the organisation and Mat South youths. They appreciate the time taken by authorities to listen and respond to the issues raised in the petition as well as confirming to the public that the petition had a role to play in the development of the National Youth Bill. 

A Gwanda youth told CYDT the comments made by Hon Tongofa motivates youths to engage the government more often as well as show the excellent work being done by CYDT in uplifting the lives of the youths in the province.

“This makes us happy as it shows the government’s commitment to improve youth representation. It shows the importance of communication. If we constantly engage the government and share our concerns, I am sure we will experience positive change. These developments are also evident of CYDT`s unconditional love for the youths. Since their establishment, the organisation has really worked hard to see a better future for us,” the youth said.

Another youth Reason Dube said a good relationship between the government, youths and Civil Society Organisations will ensure the development of a conducive environment in which youths are able to exercise their right to participate in parliament, electoral process and other political spheres. “Youths are ready to contribute towards political and economic growth. They just want spaces to be expanded and given the chance to participate,” Dube said.

Other youths commended the government of Zimbabwe for adopting the quota system to try and bolster youth and women participation as shown by the passing of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment Number Bill 2 into law which reserves 10 proportional seats in the national assembly for youth and to extend the women’s proportional representation quota seats.

While we appreciate the government’s significant efforts to try and increase youth representation, the journey for improved youth representation is not yet complete. The government and other strategic stakeholders must remain committed and ready to listen to youths’ ever rising voices. 
