As a youth focused organisation we note that section 20(b) of the Zimbabwe Constitution as the supreme law, recognizes the importance of youth participation in political, social and economic sectors. It creates a firm background which informs the National Youth Policy and other youth focused instruments that seek to create an empowered youth actively involved in national development. Despite these legal instruments and national policies, CYDT notes with concern the continued discourses and narratives that tend to promote youth participation in social and economic spheres whilst discouraging them from the political spaces.

CYDT acknowledges that although legal framework in the form of the National Youth Policy provide for youth effective participation in all life sectors, less emphasis is made on youth political participation, which then denotes the commitment at the same time create room for politicization of this right despite it being supported by the constitution. It has come to our observation as CYDT that  criminalizing the political sphere goes against these policies and more importantly the Vision 2030, National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1), Agenda 2063 and Sustainable Development Goals at international level.

Furthermore, we have noted that young people continue to be excluded by community elders; there is continued lack of trust and faith by youth in political spaces informed by their past experiences and obtaining hostile political environment; and their voices continue to be sidelined in local and national decision-making processes. This is against the aspirations of young people and a mockery of the National Youth Policy recently celebrated as positive move towards youth emancipation.

Recognising the importance of national institutions such as the Ministry of Youth and the Zimbabwe Youth Council who are our key stakeholders and more importantly, important organisations for youth empowerment, it is our recommendation that there is need for more strategies and efforts towards promoting youth participation in political processes. We call upon the government, these institutions and other players with a similar mandate to actively create spaces for youth participation in politics for the realization of effective youth representation in local structures and national levels. Youth participation in politics should be encouraged and de-criminalised so that as citizens of this country, they enjoy their rights associated with active citizenry.

About CYDT

CYDT is a community-based organization working towards creating space for youth engagement and participation since 2012, when it was established. Our vision is to inspire and empower young women and men so that they reach their potentials. We empower youths with knowledge and skills to make a difference in local and national development processes based on three advocacy priority pillars enshrined in our strategic documents that include governance and participation, youth health and wellbeing (SRHR) and Youth Livelihood Support. 
