Realizing the knowledge gap among young people on local governance, CYDT conducted local governance capacity building trainings in Matabeleland South districts targeting the rights holders (youths), policy makers and duty bearers.

CYDT saw it fit to train youths on local governance seeing that as an active, aware and energetic community group, youths have a crucial role in the local development.

Informed youths can bring value to local government processes resulting to more inclusive and youth friendly services.

The trainings were facilitated by local government experts from the local authority who applauded the project and encouraged CYDT to continue with such programing as it brings key stakeholder.

These trainings were also meant for young people to gain appreciation on local governance concept seeing that the moment they have knowledge they are ignited to participate.

One young woman from Beitbridge said she has always had a curiosity to understand the local government process, and was grateful to these trainings which had served as an eye opener to her.

From the deliberations it was noted that youth participation in local governance has been missing and no efforts were made thus far.

It was also noted that there was need for a working partnership between the youths and local government stakeholders such that youth participation becomes a core business.