Mat-South Bulletin Special Edition 

The much anticipated August 2023 elections have come and gone; what is left is the historical achievement made by the youths who turned out to vote while others successfully ran as candidates. As it stands, several Wards in districts like Gwanda and Matobo are represented by youths who were duly elected as councilors in the August 2023 elections. Young people showed that they are more than willing to participate in electoral processes as long as the playing field is safe and conducive for them to meaningfully participate. This newsletter consists of stories that speak on the participation and performance of young people in the August 2023 elections as well as stories that provide information on ways to keep young people active and engaged in decision making spaces.
Happy Reading

 Mat-South Bulletin 

The  build up to this year`s August elections has been a joy to follow across Matabeleland South province. What makes this election special is the number of young people that have registered to vote and those that are running as candidates for vacant council and MPs positions. Considering the fact that youth participation has been missing in the previous electoral processes, their massive show of interest in this election is something to be proud of as an organisation that champions their effective and meaningful participation in civic processes. In this newsletter, we document the challenges faced by the youths to participate in electoral processes as well as the strategies that improve their meaningful participation. We also highlight key successes such as young people running as candidates in the upcoming August 2023 elections.
Happy Reading

 Mat-South Bulletin 

The  build up to this year`s August elections has been a joy to follow across Matabeleland South province. What makes this election special is the number of young people that have registered to vote and those that are running as candidates for vacant council and MPs positions. Considering the fact that youth participation has been missing in the previous electoral processes, their massive show of interest in this election is something to be proud of as an organisation that champions their effective and meaningful participation in civic processes. In this newsletter, we document the challenges faced by the youths to participate in electoral processes as well as the strategies that improve their meaningful participation. We also highlight key successes such as young people running as candidates in the upcoming August 2023 elections.
Happy Reading

Mat-South Bulletin 6th Edition

The participation of youths in both local and national governance enhances their inclusion and strengthens their effective contribution to the consolidation democracy. However, in Matabeleland South, young people continue to face structural and institutional barriers that limit their meaningful participation in decision making arenas. With the 2023 elections fast approaching, there is need to develop strategies that will help improve the number of young people registering to vote, taking into consideration that the current statistics of the number of youths that have registered to vote are so far below expectations. In this newsletter, CYDT discusses in detail, the barriers affecting youth participation in electoral processes as well as highlight the key approaches that could potentially improve the participation of youths. Some of the approaches discussed are the Three-Lens Approach and the Youth Development Framework. Other issues included in this newsletter are; the use of social media in carrying out voter education initiatives and the efforts made by CSOs to expand democratic spaces that support youth participation. After reading this newsletter, remember your feedback is always important to us!!!!!!!!!!

 Informal Traders Magazine 4rd edition

Despite informal trade being the lifeblood of the economy and the biggest employer of Beitbridge, the sector still faces challenges that require the attention of stakeholders. Informal traders operate in unfriendly trading spaces where they are often vulnerable to the drastic measures adopted by authorities to deal with surging number of informal traders in the streets such as the destruction of informal traders` market places and the confiscation of their wares. CYDT in partnership with the Bulawayo Vendors and Traders Association conducted a women cross border traders roundtable meeting that discussed progress and challenges experienced by informal traders. The roundtable saw CYDT launching a policy that highlights the significance of informal trade by outlining its benefits…..Happy Reading!!!!

 Informal Traders Magazine 3rd edition

Beitbridge informal traders face numerous challenges in their daily operations that include lack of trading and storage facilities, lack of support from local authorities and the government. For these challenges to be properly dealt with, there is need for regular engagement between stakeholders and informal traders to come out with ideal strategies and policies that will mitigate these constraints. Like formal workers, informal traders also have rights that must be observed by authorities especially considering the fact that informal trade has contributed immensely towards the economy. Informal trade is no longer just a survival strategy to escape poverty, but the biggest employer that has given thousands of Beitbridge youths a chance to make it on their own in the economic world…..Happy Reading!!!!!!!

Mat-South Bulletin 5th Edition

Despite having the knowledge and skills to take part in civic processes, young people remain underrepresented in political processes. Zvishavane youths believe the unfriendly political environment limits their potential to contribute towards political and economic development, as a result, they are lobbying for the creation and expansion of democratic spaces that will enhance their active participation. This newsletter brings to awareness the efforts of CYDT to motivate and entice youths to research more on civil rights through hugely successful civil rights competitions. These competitions saw young people participate in vibrant and exuberant quiz and public speaking programs. The newsletter also shows the work of Nkomwa Foundation Trust (NFT) in promoting the rights of persons with disabilities by challenging the community to welcome people with disabilities and ensure that they are also involved in decision making platforms….Happy Reading!!!!!!!

Informal traders Magazine 2nd edition

This newsletter brings to awareness the challenges faced by informal-cross border traders, and the need for the development of policies that are pro-informal traders. The newsletter also highlights the importance of informal traders associations in protecting the interests and rights of informal traders. Since informal trade is a large sector that comprises of different informal traders selling different kinds of products, in this newsletter, we advocate for the creation of more associations. We show the need for the formation of informal traders associations at Ward level that will work with the Beitbridge Informal Traders Association to deal with the specific issues of each Ward. To expand awareness on the challenges faced by informal traders, we show how CYDT used podcasts to bring informal traders issues to the fore…..

Happy Reading!!!!!

Informal traders Magazine 

As we continue the fight to empower women and youths involved in informal trade about their social rights and how to protect and defend these rights once violated, this newsletter unpacks the challenges faced by informal cross border traders amidst COVID 19. It also shows that a good working relationship between policy makers and informal traders can help identify gaps in the existing legal frameworks and ensure the formulation of policies that will fully safeguard the interests of informal traders. The newsletter further challenges the government to improve its support of informal traders. It reminds the government that informal trade is key in lowering unemployment rate in the Beitbridge border town…….

#Zwakalantanga   Happy reading

Mat South Bulletin 4th edition

This newsletter provides insights on the state of youth representation and participation in decision making processes. It presents young women and men’s point of view on the parliamentary portfolio committee on youth, sport, arts and recreation’s recommendation to the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs to submit a bill to Parliament by 3 December 2021, amending the Constitution to increase the youth quota from 10% to 25%. It also provides data on the role played CYDT’ s implementing partner, Hands of Hope Trust (HoHT) in empowering women and girlsto realize their full potential.Reading this latest edition will help you understand challenges faced by youths to participate in sociopolitical processes which include lack of access to primary documents like National Identity cards which has prevented many youthsfrom registering to vote.

SRHR Bulletin 3st Edition

In this third edition of the SRHR Bulletin, we focus on the impact of the SRHR project since its initiation this year; its role in increasing SRHR awareness among youths and duty bearers as well as helping change community leaders’ behaviour towards sexual health education. This edition also touches on the need for the creation of spaces that will enhance the participation of youths in the drafting of SRHR strategies; strategies that will promote behaviour change as well as safeguard young people`s sexual health rights.

SRHR Bulletin 2st Edition

In this edition, we show how the presence of
COVID 19 and the measures put forward to mitigate the
spread have increased young girls vulnerability in
Matabeleland South. We show the impact of traditional
and religious practices in the access of SRHR as well as
the progress made by duty bearers in improving the
state of SRHR in the three project areas which are
Matobo, Umzingwane and Gwanda Districts.

SRHR Bulletin 1st Edition

Dear Reader
Since the beginning of the year, CYDT has been conducting
Sexual Reproductive Health Rights sensitisation activities after
realising the lack of sexual health care services in Gwanda,
Umzingwane and Matobo Districts. In these activities, the
organisation engaged young people, councillors, health
practitioners and parents to develop creative strategies to
improve the state of SRHR in the targeted areas.

The Mat-South Bulletin-3rd edition

This addition, we  bring to the fore the youth voices in relation to the passing of the Amendment Bill Number 2 into law; their concerns and the way forward. Realising that for the proper development of young people, youth friendly policies, strategies and laws must be gazetted, this edition also features an article that lobbies duty bearers to design youth friendly policies.We hope you have a great reading, and your feedback will be appreciated.

The Mat-South Bulletin-2nd edition

“The previous edition of the Bulletin magazine looked at the
role of CBOs in ensuring that young people enjoy their human
rights. This subsequent edition continues to unpack the work
of CBOs in helping young people demand youth-responsive
policies.Policies that will successfully deal with concerns raised by
young people which includes the issue of representation and
participation in socio-political spheres. Youth representation
and participation in parliament has been a subject of intense
debate since Zimbabwe gained its independence, however,
in recent years the subject has gained momentum….”

The Mat-South Bulletin

“Welcome to the 1st edition of the Mat. South Bullet. Community Based Organisations (CBOs) are critical players in the process of increasing marginalised groups participation in socio-political spaces. CBOs transform lives and livelihoods of these marginalised groups as they significantly push for responsible authorities to improve service provision…”

The Anti-Corruption Magazine

“It covers our journey in the fight against corruption so far. It has been a journey worth noting as the struggle against corruption has given us as an organisation, more energy and zeal to pursue it…”

2019 End of Year Magazine

“It has been a hectic but productive year for Team CYDT as we managed to achieve various milestones. However, through this magazine we are showcasing our work and the long journey that we had in 2019…”