2023 Annual End of Year Report

As we reflect into the year, it is undeniable that we all faced unprecedented challenges ranging from the contested election results, economic slow-down to drought occasioned by the existential threat of climate change and the limited job opportunities to the generality of young people. Despite these difficulties, the organization continued to make great strides in strengthening youth capacities to make a positive difference in their respective communities and lives. This report paints a picture of the many challenges faced by the organization throughout the year and the many achievements documented thus far. Through support and unwavering dedication of our team, the support of our partners (in their diversity) and the resilience of young people we serve, we were able to make an indelible mark and meaningful impact among those around us.


2022 Annual End of Year Report

The year 2022, will go down memory lane, as a year of wonderful opportunities and lessons. It will be remembered for its numerous challenges, with a bearing oncivic and operational space. Despite all these challenges, CYDT continues to reach greater heights. The organisation survived the global COVID 19, pandemic at the same time contributed effectively to the national discourse of ensuring sustainable youth empowerment through calling for a legislative framework that supports youth participation in decision making and leadership.For years now, CYDT has been calling for a well defined and constitutionally supported youth quota. The organization trust that adoption of women and youth quotas is very key to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the promotion of democracy through inclusive institutions. More so the organisation escalated its commitment to empowering young women by sourcing working equipment for women in mining.

2021 Annual End of Year Report

We ushered in our sixth anniversary in the midst of social and economic ills due to COVID 19 strains. Writing this note to reflect upon another year of work, therefore, cannot be a simple routine. The annual reporting cycle for 2021 ended with the unprecedented chaos where the entire CSOs and CBOs are faced with so much uncertainty over two proposed legislations, the Private Voluntary Organization Amendment Bill and the approved principles aimed at amending the Criminal Law (Codification & Reform) Act that criminalizes citizen’s unauthorized negotiations with foreign governments. Consequently, there is a general feeling that the PVO ill poses a significant risk to civic space and operating environment as it creates wide room for interference in non-state actors work through increase surveillance and monitoring……….

Report on Gwanda Community Youth Development Trust Petition

1.1 Pursuant to Section 149 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the Gwanda Community Development Trust (GCDYT) petitioned Parliament of Zimbabwe on the need for exercising its oversight function and promote institutionalization of youth participation in all decision making sectors or platforms. Accordingly, the petition was referred to the Portfolio Committee on Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation for consideration. Thus, the Portfolio Committee on Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation considered the petition and resolved to inquire into the issues raised in the petition. This report is a summary of key findings, observations and recommendations on the enquiry into the subject matter.

 CYDT End of the Year 2020 Report

“To all our partners, this is our 2020 Annual Narrative Report, which bears testimony of our productive advocacy work across the province of Matabeleland South. The report, therefore showcases the many ways in which we promoted local-level advocacy initiatives that ended up with national outlook in a bid to influence policy change with regards to youth participation, engagement, and representation…”

Baseline Survey Report

“This report presents the key findings of the Youth Participation in Local Governance survey conducted in five districts namely; Bulilima, Gwanda Rural, Gwanda Urban Mangwe and uMzingwane Districts of Matabeleland South Province during the period from 16th to the 31st April 2019…”

End of Year Report [2019]

“2019 was yet another year of tumult, as the economic and political environment continued to worsen, causing anxiety as hopes fade for a long-awaited promised improvement in living conditions especially to the young people…”